Top 3: Retinol in Oils

I used to be afraid of retinol in oils. I liked mine separate so I could control them. I like to be a mixer and having separates makes it easy for me to be my own alchemist. But sometimes it’s really nice to have easy to use effective products like a retinol in oil. Retinol in oil is still quite effective (as long as you got the right one) but it manages to take down the side effects of retinol. I use a facial oil with retinol anyway to combat the dryness, as separate layers. I pick out my three favorite retinol in oils and they should be no surprise to you as I famously love these brands.

Zelens Power A was actually the first ever retinol in oil I tried. I have to admit I didn’t like it at first. At that period in my life I wasn’t using a facial oil daily. Once I learned I liked facial oils daily I revisited this and loved it. This is a very lightweight oil. It has an almost dry touch lightweight feel so it’s perfect for anyone who doesn’t like a heavier textured oil. Power A uses encapsulated retinol plus two retinoids. Retinol is the gold standard and retinoids are the new derivatives getting a lot of buzz.

The first retinoid is Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate (HPR). This is a newer member to the retinol family. It’s a retinoic acid ester so it’s related to retinoic acid. The beauty of this version is that it does not have to be converted by the body to retinoic acid. It simply binds with the retinoid receptors of the cells to do its thing. As it doesn’t need conversion by the body it’s supposed to be less irritating. The second retinoid is Retinyl Palmitate which is the weakest of all retinols/derivatives. Honestly I don’t really count this one as a retinol but it adds to the vitamin A power of this product. This oil also has vitamin A rich extracts: pumpkin, carrot, broccoli, sweet potato, tomato and spinach. This oil is pretty powerful and perfect if you like a more lightweight dry oil texture. Review HERE.

Votary Intense Night Oil was my second experience with a retinol in oil. Votary makes stellar oils and this one is perfection. This oil has a heavier base than Zelens plus it’s more of a facial oil sensory experience with rose essential oil. This oil uses just the Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate (HPR) which really does have the same effects as retinol it’s just less irritating and has less side effects. It’s one of my favorite retinol/retinoids. This has richer avocado and apricot oils with rosehip, tomato and paracress. Paracress is kind of like a natural Botox. I love this oil in the winter which is my favorite time of year to use this oil. My skin is always stressed out from the winter and artificial heat so a nice repairative oil with a gentle retinol. Review HERE.

African Botanics make some of the most luxurious products. Their entire range is amazing. The Fleurs D’Afrique Intense Recovery Oil is such a great product. This one is fairly lightweight like the Zelens so I use it in the non-winter months. This one has the most amazing jasmine aroma (from Queen of the Night) combined with the typical African Botanics earthy oil scent. This has traditional retinol in it and is quite a powerful anti-aging oil. This one has more African botanicals like marula, honeybush, resurrection plant (a fav of mine) plus rooibos, immortelle, rosehip, rose, kalahari and microalgae. This is a most amazing way to get your retinol, facial oil and nourish your skin all with a heavenly nighttime relaxing scent. Review HERE.

I understand none of these oils come cheap. However perfection is usually not cheap. Plus I tend to find with facial oils you get what you pay for. There are exceptions to the rule but in this case these three are worth the splurge if you’re looking for a top notch retinol in oil. All of these have great anti-aging effects and they’re all gentle on the skin. These range from lighter and less fragranced like Zelens, to the light and soothing aromatic African Botanics to a more nourishing night oil like Votary.

Whats your favorite night oil or retinol in oil?


*Zelens & African Botanics gifted but all thoughts are my own.

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